Er. Abdul Haseeb Mansuri M/s. Design Core (Pvt.) Ltd.

Education :
Master Degree Structure Engineering & Construction Management 
Bachelor of a Civil Engineering (B.Eng.)
Engr. Abdul Haseeb Mansuri is a member of Pakistan Engineering Council, Institute of Engineers Pakistan and International Association of Engineers (IAENG). He is currently serving as a member of Young Engineers Development Committee & Media Cell (P.R Committee) of Pakistan Engineering Council, he is also a member of FIDIC Asia Pacific Future Leaders Committee and Editorial Board of FIDIC Asia Pacific.

Mr. Ahmad Taufik Ghozali
SPi, MSi
Institute Pertanian Bogor (IPB University)


Postgraduate (Master Degree)
Graduate Degree


Ahmad Taufik Ghozali, is a Practitioner and researcher in Marine Coastal Ecosystem (seagrass; mangrove and coral ecosystem) with more focus in Coral ecosystem, especially coral rehabilitation. He is affiliated in Department of Marine Science since 2008 as technician in Laboratory and Field project. He was researcher in any project of coral ecosystem in any area in Indonesia from Aceh, Lampung, Jakarta, Maluku, West Nusa Tenggara, Bali until Papua. He holds Master and Graduate degree from Department of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Bogor Agricultural University. Throughout his career, Ghozali has been involved in a wide range of research projects from many human activities in land to coastal ecosystem (mangrove, seagrass and coral ecosystem). Ghozali has focused on rehabilitation for sustainability ecosystem and area conservation in Indonesia.

Dr. Ajay Pradhan Cetus Consulting Pvt. Ltd


Education :

PhD in Water Resources Engineering and Management

Masters in Water Resources Engineering and Management


Dr. Ajay Pradhan has over three decades of experience in planning, designing, and implementing infrastructure projects. He holds. Masters and PhD in Water Resources Engineering and Management. Dr. Pradhan also holds various other positions as a member Executive Council, at KIIT and KISS University. He is the immediate past President of the Consulting Engineers Association of India (CEAI), currently Chairman of the National Solid Waste Management Association of India (NSWAI), and Chairman, of the Institution of Water & Environment India. He has been a consultant to the Planning Commission, and a scientist in the Designing and Modeling Group of the National Informatics Centre, Government of India. His key practice and research areas include technology intervention, energy transition, hydropower projects, sustainable integrated water resources management (IWRM), maritime logistics and security, climate resilience and risk assessments, policy, and Governance

Mr. Ajit Kumar Mishra Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of INDIA(DFCCIL)

Education :

Master in Business Administration (MBA) in International Business
Bachelor Of Technology (Civil Engineering)
Professional Diploma in Public Procurement (PDPP)
Advance Diploma in Alternative Dispute Resolution
Diploma in International Commercial Arbitration
International Organization: The Institution of Global Governance

Experience :

Ajit Kumar Mishra is a prominent figure in the dispute resolution field, particularly in the context of construction and infrastructure projects. He is currently the Head of Contract Management Division for a USD 12 billion World Bank / JICA funded infrastructure project in India. Mr Mishra has a strong background in engineering, management, and law. He is a FCIArb and has been member of UK Adjudicators and DRBF. He is a FIDIC Certified Adjudicator and is listed on the FIDIC President’s List of Approved Dispute Adjudicators. He also holds a FIDIC Certified Trainer credential, which underscores his authority in FIDIC contract methodologies. He also serves as Vice Chairman of Society of Construction Law (India), Member – FIDIC Programme Committee and Indian delegate of ICC Arbitration and ADR Committee. He has received several awards during service including ‘National Awards of Outstanding Service’ highest award given by Govt of India to an officer.

Mr. Arvinder Singh Brara Mantec Consultants Pvt Ltd

Education :

MBA Degree with Honors
Mechanical Engineering Degree

Experience :

Arvinder Singh Brara is a well-known person in the field of Environment and has done considerable work to help society both in India and abroad, in his individual capacity and as an active member of Rotary International, Consulting Engineers Association of India and Indo American Chamber of Commerce where he has been the Chairman of the Environment Committee. He founded Mantec Consultants Pvt Ltd and till date has been active in doing Environment related assignments for various organizations like NTPC, UNIDO as well as for World Bank and ADB for which he has received letters of appreciation which can be provided as required.


Education :

Master’s Degree of Economics
Bachelor’s Degree of Economics

Experience :

CHEN LIJUN is the Deputy Director of the Energy and Environment Research Institute at the ZHEJIANG DEVELOPMENT & PLANNING INSTITUTE. A Professorate Senior Engineer and experienced project leader, she is also a consulting engineer specializing in investment. With extensive experience in energy research and responding to climate change planning, she has led multiple major planning studies, including the Zhejiang Energy Development Plan and the provincial carbon peak implementation plan. Chen Lijun has executed numerous consulting outcomes into provincial government documents and has received over 20 national and provincial awards, including the First Prize for National Outstanding Engineering Consulting Achievements.

Mrs. Dilini Gamage Ceylon Electricity Board/
MA: Association of Consulting Engineers, Sri Lanka
Sri lanka

Education :

MSc in Geotechnical Engineering
BSc in Civil Engineering

Experience :

Dilini Gamage is a Chartered Civil Engineer employed in Ceylon Electricity Board in Sri Lanka. She’s also well-versed in quality assurance tests for bored piles. Nowadays, she is expanding her area of expertise into transmission tower and foundation designing. Beyond her technical progress, Dilini is a key member of the FIDIC Asia Pacific being the immediate past chairman of Future Leader’s Executive Committee and actively contributes to both editorial and communication committees of FAP. She’s a valued corporate member of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka. She was awarded with Future Leaders
Commendation Award – 2024

Prof. Jiba Raj Pokharel Kantipur International Engineering College

Education :

Ph D in Architecture. Conservation

Experience :

Prof Pokharel is the Former Vice Chancellor of Nepal Academy of Science and Technology. He is also the former President of Nepal Engineers Association and Society for Democratic Thinking. He is currently the Principal of Kantipur International Engineering College. He carries out research on disaster risk reduction and climate change. He is a columnist of the Himalayan Times, a National Daily.

Mr. Kabindra Bikram Karki Former GoN employee


MSc civil engineering

Experience :

With 27 years of engineering services in the Government of Nepal, Mr. Kabindra Bikram Karki (retired as Superintending engineer from Melamchi WSP/GoN) has worked as Project manager, Training Centre Chief, Divisional Engineer, Superintending engineer he has been involved in planning, design and construction of hundreds of small to mega WS projects, Bridges, Melamchi diversion tunnel etc. His area of expertise includes :Design of Bridges and Water Supply Systems, Project management.

Er. Krishna Bahadur Kumal Bizbell Limited

Education :

MSc. in Water Science and Engineering
LL.B. (Bachelor in Law)
BE. in Civil Engineering


Er. Krishna Bahadur Kumal is a Hydropower/Hydraulic Engineer with a decade of experience in the hydropower sector. He specializes in project planning, management and contract administration, with expertise in FIDIC Conditions of Contract and dispute resolution. He was awarded as Nepal’s first Accredited Assessor of the Hydropower Sustainable Standard (HSS), reflecting his commitment to sustainable hydropower development. Besides
this, he is active in the Nepal Hydropower Association (NHA) as an executive member to create awareness and reach out to the wider community regarding the HSS and sustainability in the hydropower sector.

Dr. Madan B. Regmi



Ph.D. Eng.

Experience :

With over 30 years of national and international experiences, Madan leads sustainable urban and electric mobility, sustainability assessment, urban governance, low-carbon transport and climate change portfolio at UN Regional Office in Bangkok. He closely works with Asia-Pacific countries and cities to advocate inclusive, safe, sustainable and low-carbon transport policies and intergovernmental collaboration. He was an Honorary Research Associate at the Transport Studies Unit, University of Oxford and a visiting academic at the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Queensland, Australia.

Dr. Malai Chomphuka Quality Advantage Co. Ltd.

Education :

Doctor of Public Administration (DPA.)
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (B.Eng.)


Dr. Malai Chomphuka is a Licensed Trainer for Profitable Environmental Management (PREMA). Her Major Publications include “Impact of Strategic Knowledge Management and Technological Development Capabilities on Organizational Competency and Performance: A Case Study of Auto and Automotive Parts Manufacturing Industries in Thailand”. She has been Honored with – Outstanding Alumni of the Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University, 2023. Chomphuka is a , License Professional Engineer (EE), Council of Engineers of Thailand (COE).

Dr.Maria Antonia Tanchuling AMH Philippines, Inc.


Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering
Master of Science in Environmental Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering


Maria Antonia Tanchuling is a Principal Engineer and Project Manager at AMH Philippines, Inc., an academe-linked consultancy firm. She is primarily responsible for overseeing technical work, contract execution, client relations, and quality control of all project deliverables. With over 25 years of experience
in environmental engineering studies, she also serves as the Dean of the College of Engineering at the University of the Philippines Dilima. She currently serves as the Chairperson of the Philippine Association of Tertiary Level Educational Institutions in Environmental Protection and Management (PATLEPAM) and Vice-chairperson of TAO-Pilipinas, an NGO that supports urban poor communities in settlement planning.

Ms. Olga Tsoy Association of Consulting Engineers of Uzbekistan

Education :
Olga Tsoy has 25-year experience as a lawyer working in Uzbekistan. Her experience includes advising the clients on different matters including construction projects based on FIDIC contracts and other areas of engineering as well as representation of clients before the state courts. Olga Tsoy has represented the employer in two construction arbitration cases under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules in a dispute arisen from the FIDIC Pink Book. Olga Tsoy is a FIDIC Certified Consulting Professional. She is also a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (London, England) and of the Dispute Resolution Foundation Board. Olga Tsoy holds the class rank of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan as “The Third Class Counselor of Justice”

Dr. Quan Gu Shanghai Center For Energy-Saving and Emission-Reduction Company

Education :

Doctor of Philosophy
Master Degree
Bachelor Degree

Experience :

Dr. Quan Gu is a project manager at Shanghai Center For Energy-Saving and Emission-Reduction Company. His research mainly focuses on the following aspects (1) carbon capture technologies encompassing all three main categories of CO2 capture technologies (oxy-fuel combustion, post combustion capture and pre combustion capture) (2) Renewable energy technologies including biomass/waste gasification, pyrolysis, combustion/co-firing. After the graduation, he worked at the Shanghai Electric, mainly responsible for the investment and EPC work in waste incineration power plants in Europe and Southeast Asia.

Er. Roy Anthony Luna AMH Philippines Inc. / CECOPHIL

Education :

MSc. in Civil Engineering
BS Civil Engineering

Experience :
Roy Anthony Luna has over 25 years of experience in civil engineering, specializing in geotechnical engineering. He is the past president of CECOPHIL, FIDIC’s MA in the Philippines. He is currently serving as Vice President of the Philippine Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (PSSMGE) and a Life Member of the Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE). He is Principal Engineer of AMH Philippines, Inc. Internationally, Engr. Luna has chaired the Federation of ASEAN Consulting Engineers (FACE). Engr. Luna’s expertise extends to scholarly contributions, with recent publications focusing on performance-based design, seismic hazard analysis, and geotechnical considerations in infrastructure projects.

Dr. Tej Karki

Lovely Professional University

Education :

Master’s in Planning
B. Arch degree

Experience :

Dr. Tej Karki. was MIT visiting scholar for carrying out research on urban flooding. Dr. Karki has also worked as Chief Town Planner of Kathmandu and Lalitpur City in Nepal. His most recent research interests cover disaster governance, politics of climate change, and inclusive and resilient planning. Tej has published number of articles on international journals on the subjects related to urban policy, earthquake, and flood resilience. His recent interest is on the role of negotiation skills to influence people and policymakers for climate resilient practices and behavior.

Dr. Thayanan Boonyarak EDE Company Limited

Education :

PhD,Hongkong University of Science and Technology
ME, Chulalongkorn University
BE, Chulalongkorn University

Experience :
Dr. Thayanan Boonyarak is a managing director of Engineering Design and Exploration Company Limited, Thailand. He is a committee member of Geotechnical Engineering Division of Engineering Institute of Thailand (EIT) and a committee for standard drafting in geotechnical engineering. He is an expertise in deep foundation, retaining structure, deep excavation, ground improvement, and soilstructure interaction. He has been involved in design and construction of several geotechnical and structural works in Thailand and
Myanmar for more than 20 years

Mr.Toshiyuki Nakamura Yachiyo Engineering co., Ltd.

Education :

Masters of Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering


Mr.Toshiyuki Nakamura has specialisation in river planning in foreign river basin .He outlines the design of River structure and performs the hydraulic analysis of the river planning. His publications include “Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers Ser B1 (Hydraulic Engineering) 76(2):I_1255-I_1260, 2020: Experimental Study On The Capture Of Fine Materials Considering Subsurface WATER Flow At Gravel-Bars”.

Dr. Wei Xu Changjiang Institute of Survey, Planning, Design and Research Corporation

Education :

Doctor of Philosophy
Bachelor of Science (Honours)

Experience :

Dr. Wei (Daniel) Xu is working on the research and engineering projects in the field of integrated urban water management, storm water control measures and sponge city, urban water environment restoration. Wei has published 7 SCI journal (including 3 first authored top journal in hydrology and water resource) and is currently a reviewer for top academic journal, such as Journal of Hydrology, Water Resource Research and Environmental Science & Technology. Prior to his role at the Changjiang Institute of Survey, Planning, Design and Research Corporation, Wei has served multiple local government and water utility company in Australia.

Dr. Yongchang Zhu China Meteorological Administration

Education : PhD


Dr. Zhu Yongchang is engaged in meteorological planning and project design, he was selected as a young talent of the CMA Institute for Development and
Programme Design, and was a key member of the Critical Projects Whole Process Management Youth Innovation Team of CMA. He presided over and participated in a number of planning and project design of CMA, in the field of marine meteorological service and meteorological station construction, etc. He published four SCI papers related to climate change, and was a reviewer of Regional Environmental Change.

Dr. Zhang Yaxin China International Engineering Consulting Corporation

Education :

Doctor of Philosophy in Environment Science and Engineering.
Postdoctoral fellow in China International Engineering Consulting Corporation

Experience :
Dr. Zhang’s primary research focuses on carbon emission accounting and carbon management policy. She has participated in numerous national and ministrylevel research projects. Dr. Zhang has published six articles as the first author (or the first author under the guidance of her supervisor) in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Energy Policy, Environmental Research Letters, China Population-Resources and Environment, etc. Additionally, she has contributed to four academic papers published in One Earth, Environmental Science & Technology, and Applied Energy.